MMS Tools

The MMS developed and maintains several tools and resources to assist measure developers in the different stages of the Measure Lifecycle.


CMS Measures Inventory Tool (CMIT)

CMIT is a repository for authoritative information about CMS quality measures used to inform interested parties, enable management of the CMS measure portfolio, and provide guidance for measure development. Learn more about CMIT in this brief video

CMS Measures Management System (MMS) Hub

The CMS MMS Hub website provides information about developing, implementing, and maintaining quality measures and opportunities to learn more about and get involved in the measure development process. Learn more about the CMS MMS Hub in this brief video

CMS Measures Under Consideration Entry / Review Information Tool (MERIT)

CMS MERIT is a data collection portal that allows measure developers to submit candidate measures to CMS for consideration in quality programs covered by section 3014 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-148). Learn more about CMS MERIT in this brief video

De Novo Measure Scan (DNMS) (CMIT Login Required)

DNMS is an advanced feature of the Environmental Scan Support Tool (ESST) available for authenticated users who have logged into CMIT. It is intended to help measure developers conduct early and frequent environmental scans while developing new measures.

Environmental Scan Support Tool (ESST)

ESST is a tool within the CMIT environment, intended to automate environmental scans required in the information gathering process for developing and maintaining quality measures that will be used in CMS programs and initiatives.

Measures Management System (MMS) Support Help Desk

The MMS is the primary point of contact for providing guidance on the measure development process and resolving issues.
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