Implement, Analyze, Refine, & Retest

Implement & Analyze the Measure

The measure developer should execute the work plan iteratively and refine the work plan based on intermediate results.

After completion of data gathering from the test sites, the measure developer conducts a series of analyses to characterize evaluation criteria of the measures. The assumption is that a measure developer will contract or employ experienced methodologists, statisticians, and subject matter experts to select appropriate and feasible testing for the measure(s) under development.

Refine the Measure 

The measure developer may need to modify measure specifications, data collection instructions, and calculation of measure results based on analysis of testing results. 


  • Following alpha testing, the measure developer may revise measure specifications or make efforts to overcome implementation barriers.
  • Following beta testing, the measure developer may make changes to the definition of the population or adjustments to the comparison group definition.
  • If making changes to the measure, the measure developer should consult with the technical expert panel prior to retesting the measure.

Retest the Measure

Measure testing is an iterative process. The measure developer should continue to refine specifications and retest measures as deemed necessary.

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