Current TEP Opportunities

Click the plus sign (+) for each current technical expert panel (TEP) to learn how to get involved.

End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Quality Incentive Program (QIP) Scoring Methodology

Project Title: End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Quality Incentive Program (QIP) Scoring Methodology


  • The Technical Expert Panel (TEP) nomination period opens on Friday, July 12th and closes on Friday, August 2nd. Submit all nomination materials by the closing date.
  • Kick-off planned for August 2024 with subsequent meetings occurring in September and October 2024, if required.  

Project Overview:

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) contracted Arbor Research to host a Technical Expert Panel to obtain input on the ESRD QIP scoring methodology. The contract name is Measure & Instrument Development and Support (MIDS) End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Quality Programs Support. The contract number is #:75FCMC18D0016 Task Order #:75FCMC24F0050. As the organizer of this TEP, Arbor Research convenes groups of stakeholders and experts who contribute direction and thoughtful input on their work and analysis. Input from the TEP will inform potential modifications involving the TPS scoring methods, potential health equity adjustments, and data validation adjustments. 

Seeking the Following Perspectives/Expertise:

We are seeking individuals with differing perspectives and areas of expertise, such as: Individuals with clinical subject matter expertise, e.g., nephrology or other clinician-scientists, clinicians and nurses, dialysis facility quality improvement experts, and dialysis facility administrators; individuals with methodological and/or health care disparities expertise, e.g., statisticians/biostatisticians and health services researchers with expertise and experience in VBP programs, score or scale development, and/or assessment of health care disparities; and individuals with ESRD and care partners of individuals with ESRD.

TEP Expected Time Commitment: 

Arbor Research expects to host a max of 3 virtual meetings for this TEP: Kick-off planned for August 2024 with subsequent meetings occurring in September and October 2024, if required.

Next Steps:

Please read the TEP Charter and complete the TEP Nomination Form. You may access these documents by selecting the title of each document:

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