CMS Premieres Three Videos About Suite of MMS Tools

Have you ever opened one of the CMS Measures Management System (MMS) tools and wondered where to begin? Or are you tired of wading through a sea of text about health care quality measurement? You're not alone! 

CMS is excited to announce a trio of animated videos that illustrate the purpose and key functions of three MMS tools:

  • CMS MMS Hub: Discover how to navigate the vast amount of quality measurement information on the CMS MMS Hub website. This brief video covers the site’s goals and shows you where to find essential content, such as the Blueprint Measure Lifecycle and involvement opportunities. 
  • CMS Measures Inventory Tool (CMIT): Get a preview of CMS’ repository of authoritative information about quality measures. Learn about the data sources that funnel into the tool in this informative video
  • CMS Measures Under Consideration (MUC) Entry/Review Information Tool (MERIT): See how measures start as submissions to CMS MERIT and progress through the federal Pre-Rulemaking process in this video

Watch these videos to better understand these valuable tools and how they can help streamline your quality measurement needs.

Happy learning!