Critical Challenges

The challenges to developing measures that are meaningful and appropriate are described in detail in the CMS Quality Measurement Development Plan, outlined for the Quality Payment Program, are applicable to all measures and programs, and cannot all be enumerated here. However, some of the key opportunities include

  • Partnering with patients in the measure development process
  • Partnering with frontline clinicians and professional societies
  • Aligning measures across programs, payors, and payment systems
  • Increasing options for digital quality data submission and adoption of interoperable electronic registries
  • Reducing measured entity burden of data collection for measure reporting
  • Shortening the time frame for measure development
  • Streamlining data acquisition for measure testing
  • Identifying and developing meaningful outcome measures
  • Developing patient-reported outcome measurement tools and appropriate use measures
  • Developing measures that promote shared accountability across settings and measured entities

CMS wants measure developers to identify ways to engage patients most meaningfully in the measure development process and to share best practices with CMS and other measure developers. In addition to focusing on the national health care priorities and principles highlighted throughout this Hub, CMS is committed to addressing these challenges head-on using process improvement techniques, such as Lean, in all stages of measure development.

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