2024 Physician Cost Measures and Patient Relationship Codes (PCMP) Technical Expert Panel (TEP) Webinar

CMS has contracted with Acumen, LLC to develop episode-based cost measures to meet the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) requirements. Acumen is convening the Physician Cost Measures and Patient Relationship Codes (PCMP) Technical Expert Panel (TEP) for a virtual meeting to continue cost measure development and re-evaluation activities.

When Will This Virtual Meeting Occur?

  • Wednesday, March 13, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET

This meeting will be open to the public with a listen-only option, and observers are invited to listen in on the TEP’s discussion. Please share this message with anyone you believe may be interested. During this meeting, Acumen will seek input from TEP members on various topics under the PCMP project covering the comprehensive re-evaluation of the Total Per Capita Cost (TPCC) and Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary (MSPB) Hospital measures, aligning cost and mortality measurement, and identifying actionable refinement areas for publicly reporting cost performance data.

How Do I Register (Required)?
Please click on the following link to register: Register to attend the 2024 PCMP TEP Webinar [lnks.gd].

Please see the Wave 6 Measure Development Process (PDF, 599KB) [lnks.gd] summary located on the Cost Measures Information page [lnks.gd] for details about the measure development process and activities undertaken in previous years, including past TEP meetings. If you would like to receive measure development updates, please join our mailing list [lnks.gd]. If you have any questions about measure development or the PCMP TEP, please contact Acumen at macra-tep-support@acumenllc.com.