Performance Period 2022 Eligible Clinician eCQM Webinar Recordings Available

CMS developed and published webinar content from the Performance Period 2022 Eligible Clinician Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM) Education and Outreach Webinar Series. PDF slides and links to the webinar recordings are available to review on the eCQI Resource Center (under ‘Get Started with eCQMs-Implementing eCQMs Eligible Clinicians’).

The recordings address several topics including: increasing measure-specific education, outreach through the identification and exemplification of specific 2022 clinician-level eCQM update themes, a careful review of specific eCQMs, and the promotion of published resources on the eCQI Resource Center.

As a reminder, the webinar series is comprised of three standalone webinars (summarized below), each with its own focus:

  • Introduction to Eligible Clinician eCQMs for Performance Period 2022
  • Overview of Performance Period 2022 Broad Changes, Newly Added eCQMs, and eCQMs that Underwent Significant Changes from Performance Period 2021 to 2022
  • Trends and High Use eCQMs

For questions about the webinars, please contact the eCQI Resource Center team at

Open Date
Expire Date