Call for TEP for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Measures Maintenance and Development

Mathematica, under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), is seeking nominations for Technical Expert Panel (TEP) members to provide input on new and existing measures for CMS-stewarded home and community-based services (HCBS) quality measures

This work falls under Mathematica’s and Human Services Research Institute (HSRI)’s LTSS Analyses, Public Reporting, and Measures Maintenance and Development project. The objective of the HCBS Measures Maintenance and Development TEP is to provide feedback and perspective on the identification, development, specification, testing, implementation, maintenance, re-evaluation, and implementation of 1) new measures for children who use HCBS and 2) existing CMS-stewarded HCBS and long-term services and supports (LTSS) measures for adults. A well-balanced representation of interested parties on the TEP can contribute diverse perspectives to consider during measure selection, development, and maintenance.   

Additional information about this TEP opportunity can be found at . This Call for TEP Nomination closes on February 14, 2025.  

TEP workgroup meetings will take place virtually and are tentatively proposed for the following meeting timeframes in 2025:  

  • Mid to late May 2025 
  • Early to mid August 2025 
  • Late October to early November 2025 

If you have questions about the TEP or the TEP nomination process, please contact