Call for Nominations Open for Quality Measure Index (QMI) Technical Expert Panel (TEP)

Submit a nomination by September 25, 2024

The Quality Measure Index (QMI) project team is seeking nominations for the 2024-2026 QMI Technical Expert Panel (TEP). The QMI is a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) tool that systematically displays the strengths and limitations of quality measures to facilitate comparisons and aid CMS in selecting the best measures for development, implementation, and continued use in quality programs. The QMI TEP will advise the project team in refining the methodology of the QMI, validating variables used to assess measures, and adapting the index for broader use in CMS quality programs while minimizing burden on programs, developers, and entities involved in measurement.

We will seat up to 20 individuals with experience and expertise in:

  • Quality measurement science and advanced statistical methodology
  • Quality measure development and experience with consensus-based entity endorsement standards and evaluation
  • Health care economics with a focus on the impact of quality measurement
  • Health equity and disparities
  • Consumer/patient/family (caregiver) perspective, including Medicare/Medicaid/Health Insurance Marketplace beneficiaries and beneficiaries from underserved communities
  • Clinical experience with patient safety, behavioral health, kidney disease, women’s health and maternal care, HIV, hypertension, and/or diabetes
  • Development or oversight of digital quality measures
  • Payer perspectives, including managed care, commercial, Medicaid, and Health Insurance Marketplace

Please see additional details in the QMI TEP Charter. Application instructions and the nomination form are available on the  Current TEP Opportunities webpage. 

Nominations are due to by 6 pm ET on September 25, 2024.