CMS Measure Selection Criteria
CMS measure selection criteria help ensure that each measure
- Supports the CMS and national health care priorities including prioritizing outcome measures, patient-reported outcome measures, digital measures, and access for all
- Is responsive to specific program goals and statutory requirements
- Addresses an important condition or topic with a performance gap and has a strong scientific evidence base to demonstrate the measure can lead to the desired outcomes and/or more affordable care
- Has written consent for any proprietary algorithms needed for measure production
- Promotes alignment with CMS program attributes and across Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) programs and health care settings
- Identifies opportunities for improvement (e.g., not topped out)
- Does not result in negative unintended consequences (e.g., overuse or inappropriate use of care or treatment, limiting access to care)
- Does not duplicate another measure currently implemented in one or more programs
- If an electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM), it must have a CMS ID (found in MADiE) and expressed in Health Quality Measure Format using the Quality Data Model and Clinical Quality Language
Fully Developed Measure
To meet these selection criteria, the measure developer must complete testing of the measure. This means the measure developer has completed
- Person/encounter-level (data element-level) reliability and validity testing, when appropriate, for each critical data element and the measure specifications do not need changes based on the results. Testing may be empiric or reference external or previous testing (e.g., established data element library such as the CMS Data Element Library (DEL) or eCQM Data Element Repository (DERep) or literature).
- Accountable entity-level (measure score-level) reliability and validity testing, when appropriate, and specifications do not need changes based on the results. Measure developers are encouraged to report accountable entity-level reliability results by decile (rather than just the median) to detect differences in reliability across the target population size distribution.
- Completion of face validity testing as the sole type of validity testing does not meet the criteria for completion of testing for a fully developed measure. However, face validity is acceptable for new measures (i.e., those not currently in use in CMS programs and undergoing substantive changes) that are not eCQMs. Instead of Likert-scale type assessments of face validity, measure developers are encouraged to develop a logic model consisting of inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes to describe the associations between the health care structures and processes and the desired health outcome(s). The logic model should indicate the structure(s), process(es), and/or outcome(s) included in the measure. A detailed logic model will help the measure developer identify appropriate constructs for future empiric validity testing.
For measures based on survey data or patient-reported assessment tools, including patient-reported outcome-based performance measures (PRO-PMs), the measure developer has tested reliability and validity of the survey or tool and the survey or tool does not need changes based on the results. For measures based on assessment tools, the measure developer must have completed reliability and validity testing for each critical data element and complete testing of the assessment tool itself with no changes to the tool needed based on the results.